After you join MyStockFund, you will be able to select and purchase fractional shares of these stocks and ETFs using our easy and automatic tool, called AutoVest.
It may help to review some of the popular holdings of our Members. Click this button
to see the Top 20 stocks and Top 5 ETFs that our members are buying!
After you have started saving and investing with MyStockFund, you may come back
any time and review the most recent additions to our securities list by clicking this button.
Don’t see a security on our
If you are looking to purchase a security that isn’t on our list, you have
the ability to purchase ANY security with a
real-time market order.
For a more in depth search of securities, please use the box below. Currently,
there are a number of investment choices from stocks to closed end bond funds
including fixed income ETF's. You can search by company name, ticker symbol,
category, or industry groups. |
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If you would like to print our list of available securities, please click here.
The AutoVest Schedule is a great way
to diversify your investments, dollar-cost average and put your investments on autopilot
all in one. Use our flexible investing cycles to work with your budget and long-term